Thursday, 6 March 2014

Egg Drop by Mini Grey (Red Fox Picture Books)

Egg Drop

Written and Illustrated by
Mini Grey

Published by Red Fox Picture Books

I'm quite surprised we haven't reviewed Mini Grey's "Egg Drop" before. Mini is a superstar when it comes to writing and illustrating some of our favourite children's books. We really love her "Traction Man" series, and we've had our eye out for "Egg Drop" for quite a while.

Up it popped in our library stack, so we grabbed it.

It's the story of a young chicken. A very young chicken. In fact, a chicken that hasn't even hatched yet - but dreams of flight, of soaring through the air with the greatest of ease. Our egg-bound chum is smart but very very impatient, and immediately starts making plans for a first flight. Dreaming of rockets and wings, of zeppelins and various other means, Egg comes up with the ultimate idea. Gain some height, take a leap of faith and see what happens...

Eggs and gravity - bad mix, right?

We'll leave you to discover what happens to plucky little egg in this fun tale. Mini's trademark humour and beautiful illustrations make this book soar through the clouds as light as a feather. Which is more than we can say for our eggy chum!

Charlotte's best bit: Poor egg's post-crash patch-up job (those screws and nails look like they hurt!)

Daddy's Favourite bit: Patience is a virtue and this tale tells it like it is perfectly.