Wednesday, 24 September 2014
Cinderella's (Not So) Ugly Sisters: The TRUE Fairy Tale by Gillian Shields and Berengere Delaporte
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September 24, 2014
Berengere Delaporte,
Cinderella's Not So Ugly Sisters,
Gillian Shields,
Macmillan Children's Books,
The True Fairy Tale

Cinderella's (Not So) Ugly Sisters: The TRUE Fairy Tale
Written by Gillian Shields
Illustrated by Berengere Delaporte
Published by Macmillan Children's Books
Some children's stories are recycled so many times that they begin to fray around the edges. There are so many different versions of "Cinderella" to choose from, so it takes something truly special with a real 'twist' to it to catch our attention.
Thankfully "Cinderella's (Not So) Ugly Sisters: The True Fairy Tale" by Gillian Shields and Berengere Delaporte not only twists the story a little, it flips it right on its head in such a deliciously neat way that it made both of us sit up and pay attention. Charlotte wanted to review this one herself so here's some of the things she said about it as we read through and talked through this awesome book:
(So what did you think about the book?)
"I like it because the ugly sisters aren't ugly, they're kind and their mum is nice not evil."
(I asked "What do you think of Cinderella?")
"Cinderella is mean and unkind to the sisters, and her fairy godmother is a baddie!"
(Asking what she thought when Ella's father ran off with 'ugly sisters' mum's money!)
"Horrid man but that is why Cinderella is mean!"
(So did you like the ending?)
"I would love the sisters to be MY sister!"
That's more or less a flavour of how things went and we've tried not to spoil too many of the twists here, essentially though you will very quickly find out that Cinderella and her vainglorious father are the REAL culprits in the classic tale, and the poor Ugly Sisters (and their mother) are pretty hard done by.
Brought to life by Gillian Shields' brilliant comic timing and fabulously funny writing, with Berengere Delaporte's perfect illustrations, this is a stunning book if (like us) you feel that some favourite children's stories are all mined out. Here's proof positive that with a neat little nip, a tuck and a twist, they can come bouncing back to life as fresh and as funny as ever!
Charlotte's best bit: The happy / sad / happy ending!
Daddy's Favourite bit: One of the best things we find in writing about children's books is that there are always superb surprises and books that will take your breath away just when you start to feel a little tired and jaded of very similar stories appearing again and again. As it goes, this is a brilliant reinvention of the Cinderella tale by two extremely talented folk! Do not miss it!
(Kindly sent to us for review by Macmillan Children's Books)