Thursday, 2 July 2015
Bear Counts by Karma Wilson and Jane Chapman (Simon and Schuster Children's Books)
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July 02, 2015
Bear Counts,
Jane Chapman,
Karma Wilson,
Simon and Schuster Children's Books
Bear Counts
Written by Karma Wilson
Illustrated by Jane Chapman
Published by Simon and Schuster Children's Books
From the tip top talented team behind "Bear Snores On", there's a new counting book in town. Although fussy madame Charlotte says she's too old for counting books, she loved dipping into this book.
Partly because it's so nicely written (a story-like introduction to counting always works far better than a coldly delivered "one ball, two apples, three donkeys" kind of approach, we find!)
Couple cool counting story fun with Jane Chapman's glorious and cuddly illustrations and you're on to a sure-fire winner for your tiddly toddlers who are just beginning to learn their numbers and count things as they go.
Charlotte's best bit: Wanting to cuddle big old bear!
Daddy's Favourite bit: A cool story-driven counting book full of fun!
(Kindly sent to us for review by Simon and Schuster Children's Books)