Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Travels with my Sketchbook by Michael Foreman (Templar Publishing)

Michael Foreman is something of a legend in children's book circles, but he's also a very well travelled man too...
Most artists won't leave the house without a sketchbook or two tucked into their bags (even me) but when someone's supremely talented, the intimacy of capturing your surroundings with sketches and paintings seems to completely draw you in far more than mere photographs can.

In Michael's "Travels with my Sketchbook" he chronicles various journeys around the worlds, to many different countries and continents and each time builds a mini travelogue of his destinations, collected here in an almost story-like tome from Templar (who, let's face it, know a beautiful book when they see one!)

Bali - a beautiful dreamscape captured by Michael's expert brush and eye
The book, written in Michael's own words, will have you drooling in envy at the places he's visited - and also at his amazing skills as an artist, picking out the most interesting subjects to perfectly capture the countries he's visited.

Our favourite part of the book, the American Dream captured beautifully
There's so much to like about this book - not really a children's book per se, but definitely something that kids will find inspirational - and who knows, it may even prompt them to do the same and take a sketchbook on holiday (rather than a tablet!)

Kids play amongst the stark reminders of war. 
There's a real sense of fun to some of the illustrations too, so it will definitely draw a young audience in to see what other kids around the world get up to.

"Travels with my Sketchbook" by Michael Foreman is out now, published by Templar. (kindly supplied for review)