Wednesday 9 January 2019

"A Year of Nature Poems" by Joseph Coelho and Kelly Louise Judd (Wide Eyed Editions)

It's definitely never too late to start your year with a book that collects together all the amazing sights and sounds, smells and feelings of the seasons as you dip into "A Year of Nature Poems" by Joseph Coelho and Kelly Louise Judd.

Following each month through its accompanying seasons, Joseph's poems are a soothing balm in a sometimes crazy and hectic world - and at the moment, couldn't be more welcome for parents and children alike.

See how animals behave through the seasons, hibernating in Winter but coming out to play in the Spring

Follow the cycle of trees and plants, from the first blossoms of spring through to the stark winter wonderland in December. 

There are 12 inspiring poems in total from Joe, paired with folk art from Kelly to get your year off to a restful and mindful start. 

Here's a look inside: 

Beautiful isn't it? We knew you'd like it!

"A Year of Nature Poems" by Joseph Coelho and Kelly Louise Judd is out now, published by Wide Eyed Editions (kindly supplied for review).