Tuesday 6 October 2015

The Wolf Who Fell Out of a Book by Thierry Robberecht and Gregoire Mabire (Ragged Bears)

We do like a nice book surprise every now and again. I'd never heard of the Ragged Bears imprint, but they're celebrating 30 years of publishing awesome books! Here's "The Wolf Who Fell Out Of A Book"...
Storybook wolves often get a bit of a raw deal don't they? Forever portrayed as thorough rotters through and through, wolves often come to a sticky end as the story reaches its conclusion.

But what if the tables were turned and a wolf turned from pursuer to pursued?

In "The Wolf Who Fell Out Of a Book" a tiny black wolf accidentally slips out of the storybook he once lived in. Despite his best efforts to slide back into the story, he's rudely ousted first by the sheep at the start of the book and then by his wolfy brethren at the end.

Wolf surveys his surroundings, and a cunning pair of hungry eyes survey Wolf! The family cat rather fancies a wolf sandwich and so Wolf is forced to take refuge amongst the book stacks. Will he ever find a new booky home or is wolf destined to end up as cat food?

This is an uproariously entertaining little story that children will fall utterly in love with and may even see most kids finding a new level of sympathy for our vulpine chums. We loved seeing Wolf slipping in and out of different stories (such a fantastic and original idea).

Charlotte's Favourite Bit: Wolf sticking out like a sore thumb at the King's Ball (sorry sir, no suit or ballgown, no ticket!)

Daddy's favourite bit: A fantastic, entertaining AND original tale beautifully illustrated and nicely written. Watch out for Ragged Bear if this is the standard of book they'll be publising.

(Kindly sent to us for review by Ragged Bear)

"The Wolf Who Fell Out Of a Book"

Written by Thierry Robberecht

Illustrated by Gregoire Mabire

Published by Ragged Bear

Release Date: 6th October 2015