Thursday, 20 October 2016

Hyde and Squeak by Fiona Ross (Little Tiger Press)

Make way for a scary mouse in this ticklishly brilliant tale ripe and ready for Halloweeeeeeeeeen! SQUEAL!
Let's meet "Hyde and Squeak" - one and the same little mouse with a deep dark secret.

Squeak the Mouse can't resist gobbling even the most weird food items he finds discarded around the spooky old house which he lives in.

When he finds a very odd looking jelly bean, he can't resist smacking his chops and guzzling the whole thing down.

Only, there are unexpected consequences too dire to even contemplate...!

Uh oh, scurry away fellow mice, because here comes a fearsome dribbling beast!

Yikes! Squeak, oh squeak, what have you done!
That Jelly Bean was no ordinary confectionary treat, and before long Squeak is transformed into a shambling green grotty and rather horrible entity known as Hyde! OH NO!

Fiona lets rip with her imagination, delving into Jekyll and Hyde tropes with merciless abandon and coming up with a devilishly brilliant tale that's going to be perfect for halloween bedtime storytelling.

"Hyde and Squeak" by Fiona Ross is out now, published by Little Tiger Press (kindly supplied for review).